Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tashina and her lifebuoy

Last Tuesday, our pup Tashina had a small surgery: extraction of a big wart which kept growing up close to her eye. It was not a big deal. But it had consequences: we had to prevent the animal from scratching the scar, in other word, putting on the “cone of shame”. 

We were sad to see our girl, who had been all frisky when she came out from the vet clinic suddenly still and stunned by the E-collar. She would stay motionless, fearing an impact between the sides of the cone and the outside world. 

She looked so distressed that we looked for a less drastic solution. And we found it: the inflatable collar. You put it on and blow air in it. It prevents Tashina from scratching the zone of the incision. When she tries, her paw actually scratches the surface of the collar.

Tashina got used of this new addition straightaway and does not seem to even notice it is on now. As for us, we feel like we have a dog ready to dive into an imaginary swimming pool, which is nice. Tashina invites us, with her buoy, to stay pleasantly afloat the events of our lives. 

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