Tuesday, January 2, 2018

There comes the time...

There comes the time where « next year » become « now »…
The time to reinvent ourselves
And fearlessly create!

God created us with an imagination
God created us creators,
in God’s image (Genesus 1:27).
Now, it is our turn to identify this divine spark in us

And make it fructify in 2018! 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Entering the New Year

Let’s enter the New Year and meet the blessing waiting for us…

Painting by Jan Richardson 

With every step
you take
the blessing rises up
to meet you

It has been waiting
long ages for you

Look close
and you can see
the layers of it,

how it has been fashioned
by those who walked
this road before you,

how it has been created
of nothing but
their determination
and their dreaming,

how it has taken
its form
from an ancient hope
that drew them forward
and made a way for them
when no way could be

Look closer
and you will see
this blessing
is not finished,

that you are part
of the path
it is preparing,

that you are how
this blessing means
to be a voice
within the wilderness

and a welcome
for the way.  

Jan Richardson,
Blessing the Way,
from “Circle of Grace”p.37,
Wanton Gospeller Press, Florida 2015.