Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Angels, cakes and divine presence

Rev. Lynn Longfield, a friend I look up to, accepted to preach during the ordination service. When I was working at the Presbytery, Lynn was the Presbyter, in other words the Pastor of the Pastors.

Lynn preached on Elijah’s journey, supported by God’s angels through discouragement and despair (1 Kings 19). This is one of my favorite biblical tests. 

An angel supports Elijah with fresh water and cakes baked on hot stones. Eventually, God comes close to Elijah, as a “gentle whisper” or “a still small  voice” (depending on the translations) so they can talk.

The paradox, said Lynn, is that “when God speaks to us in the silence of our own hearts, in that still voice of mysterious wonder, there comes also a deeper revelation that we are not alone, and, in fact, never have been."

The important is to listen. Lynn mentioned that she was given a plaque that read “silence and listen have the same letters. Coincidence?”

God walks by our side in many ways, concluded Lynn. Sometimes, God sends us angels that provide us with hot cakes and fresh water. The community around us is also the witness of God’s love.
It was never truer as on my ordination day. 

Ordained !

Finally, a few years after starting to study theology (this was in…. 1996 at the Institut Protestant de Theologie, in Paris) the day of the ordination arrived.

Of course,  since then I had moved in a new country, switched languages, went from French Reformed Church to PC(USA), went through the Dubuque (Iowa) seminary. I also married, moved on the West Coast of the USA and discovered the world and culture of Native Americans.

I had been “certified ready to be ordained” for the past three years, which means that I had also passed the ordination exams and did the internships in church and hospital, wrote my statement of faith – in other words, I was ready.

But I still had one condition to fill : I needed a call. When the Commission on Ministry accepted to consider my work as “Director of Spiritual Formation” as a validated ministry, the path to ordination was eventually opened.

So I defended my statement of faith in front of the Presbytery. I was apprehensive but it went very well, in a friendly atmosphere.

On November 30th, I was surrounded by my family and my friends when I became a “Minister of word and sacrament” also called “Teaching Elder”, as pastors were called in the 16th century, an expression recently brought back to life in our denomination.

My brother Frederic came all the way from France and read a psalm in French during the service, along with Zohndra, one of the endearing teenagers of the church. 

My uncle Jean-Loup, his wife Diane and my cousins from Seattle were also there. Danielle’s little boys (3 and 6 year old) under their father Imad’s supervision, were really good! I entrusted Shawn with my camera and she was diligent, taking many pictures that remain great memories of an event that will remain an important step of my life.

The ordination takes place when the Moderator of the Presbytery, that would be Rev. Julie Johnson here, lays her hand on the head of the ordinand, at the conclusion of a prayer. Julie invited those already ordained (pastors and Elders) to come, join the prayer and also lay their hands on me, or the person next to them if they are out of reach. She also invited everyone involved in my journey to join the group. Almost the whole assembly gathered around us.

An image and emotion I will not forget. 

Good Bye Tashina

This was completely unexpected. We thought she would live at least 15 years. When we noticed that Tashina, our 11-year old pup, was a bit slow to climb the stairs and was less upbeat than usual, we thought it might be arthritis. 

But the vet diagnosed a big cancerous tumor in her stomach. We were crushed.

Tashina lived a few more comfortable days, thanks to a pain-killer. I cooked some tasty, easy to digest, meals for my girl who still had some appetite. Then we said farewell to our companion of so many days as she was getting close to her end.

It happened on the Christmas week.

God Made the earth, the sky and the water, the moon and the sun, says a Native American saying. He made man and bird and beast.
But He didn't make the dog. He already had one.

Galloping fall season: looking at it from the end up

So many events and emotions took place those last weeks. 2014 is ending and our neighbors fireworks can already be heard in the night, which brings intense joys to Sitka, our weird dog who panics when I sneeze but loves to run after explosive sounds in the dark…

To share the main events of the season, I will go from the most recent and will go back in time.

So long, 2014…. So many memorable events happened during this year. Including : (see above)