Today, I met with Rev. Susan, the chaplain coordinator of the Hospice House in Tacoma. Two of the chaplain residents – out of three- will be working there. Susan is a petite woman with short white hair, brilliant blue eyes and a warm smile ; I immediately felt comfortable with her.
We talked for a long time – she had some specific questions for me, my interest in this type of chaplaincy, the grief and mourning I experienced in my life, the way I connect with people that have different views and religious traditions but mostly she listened to me.
As I mentioned before, an interview with a chaplain is different: imagine a conversation with an amazing and compassionate listener. I had a great time with Susan who also showed me the facility. She will not make the final decision but her input will certainly be significant.
As I was driving home under the sun, in this bright cold afternoon, I was trying to anticipate what decision would come my way. This morning Susan had met with another applicant that I know well, a wonderful talented Korean woman, certainly worthy of this resident spot. Her knowledge of the Korean language and culture is a great asset in our area. So many good applicants, so few places…
I noticed in the sky a dozens of tiny parachutes – military training above McChord Air Force base. This could be a living metaphor of my situation. Now that I am certified “ready to be ordained”, I am the parachutist wondering where I will land, wondering where God’s wind will direct me… (To be followed… )
Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.